
2008-08-26 4:44 am
$138.88 One hundred thirtyeight and cents eighty-eight only

回答 (5)

2008-08-26 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案

應該係將個cents 調去eighty-eight既後面

同埋加個 - 係thirty-eight 先岩

$138.88 One hundred thirty-eight and eighty-eight cents only ←呢句先岩


希望可以幫到你啦! =]
參考: 自己
2008-09-04 4:49 pm
$138.88 正確英文寫法:
One hundred and thirty-eight dollars and eighty-eight cents.

Dollars One Hundred and Thirty Eight Cents Eighty Eight Only.
2008-09-04 5:09 am
香港人會噤樣寫: One hundred thirty eight dollars and eighty eight cent only.

美國人會噤樣講: One thirty eight bucks and eighty eight.
2008-08-26 7:05 am
When I write checks, I only write 'ONE HUNDRED THIRTY EIGHT AND EIGHTY EIGHT-----------------,'

Everything is understood, don't have to be so burdensome, it's good to be nice and simple.

and your check is from a bank in HK, why bother write down HK dollar for??
2008-08-26 5:26 am
Dollars one hundred thirty-eight and cents eighty-eight only.
Hong Kong Dollars one hundred thirty-eight and cents eighty-eight only.
(通常Dollars 或Hong Kong Dollars都會預先印定)
One hundred thirty-ejght dollars and eighty-eight cents.
One hundred thirty-ejght and cents eighty-eight.
(only 是不一定需要的,因為only 多用在書寫上,作用是表示數目是到此為止,並防止他人在此之前加上其他數字。如 cents fifty only是防止人在fifty後加上two變成cents fifty-two)
註: eighty-eight or eighty eight 两種寫法皆可。

2008-08-25 21:28:47 補充:
上面ejght 應為eight

2008-08-26 00:04:40 補充:
本港銀行的支票,金額都需要用所謂「大寫」,但在此「大寫」位置之前都已印上(英文叫printed or pre-printed)港幣Hong Kong Dollars字樣,因此發票人當然不需要手寫
Hong Kong Dollars這三個字了。上面所講的「 (通常Dollars 或Hong Kong Dollars都會預先印定) 」就是這個意思。 樓主出題有$這符號,當然要寫埋它是什麼才是完整答案,至於此Hong Kong Dollars or Dollars已先印上了而需再「寫出來」是另一回事了。

參考: me

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