
2008-08-26 2:33 am


回答 (4)

2008-08-26 3:58 am
✔ 最佳答案

Electrons are particles that carry negative charge. The charge carries by an elecro is -1.6x10^-19 coulombs.

Thus free electron is NOT equal to charge.


This sentence [電子的單位又是庫倫] is incorrect. Electrons exist in individual particles. The coulomb (庫倫) is a unit for charge (電苛).
2008-08-29 8:52 pm
2008-08-26 10:43 pm
Your make some mistakes, electrons do have charge (電荷), even they are free or not, an object carrying charge(s) does not mean it is carry (free) electronic(s) or not. Say holes (positive charge with effective mass same as electron), positron (anti-particle of electron), or just simply proton (same charge value but oppsite sign, 1 electron charge = -1.6 x 10^(-16)C, while 1 proton carry 1.6 x 10^(-16)C ).

1C of free electron charge is simply a number of electrons with total charge 1C, that's all, nothing else.

C was used before the discovery of electron, it is a unit to measure charges. Same as A (ampere, 1A=1C/s, 1 C per second), it was used long long time ago in electric.

C is used for all charges, it is not electron, but electrons do carry charges.

2008-08-27 08:55:41 補充:
Maybe it is not clear for using english to answer this question. C is the unit to measure charges, charge is not C, C is a measure of how many charges there.

2008-08-27 08:55:49 補充:
C is a unit same as kg, where kg is a measuremnet of how heavy the mass is, but it is not mass itself. You can use kg, lb, amu and etc to tell how heavy the mass is. This is the same as the case of C.
2008-08-26 4:20 am





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