
2008-08-26 12:28 am

幫我解做英文丫, 0r比個英文網站我.

回答 (3)

2008-08-27 7:22 am
Harry entered the Hogwarts fifth of the school year, found that most of the magic community members, have refused to believe that he has encountered evil of the Buddha to Beelzebub, and would prefer to ignore the Buddha to the fact that the demons come back. Minister of the Ministry of Magic Mrs. sub-Kangni stay, the fear of Hogwarts school principals do not think of Afghanistan announced that more than Deng adverse Buddha back to the fact that the devil is in order to undermine his power and disarm his position, then assigned a new Black magic defense for teachers, more than at any time and monitor adverse Deng Hogwarts students. However, Dolores Umbridge professor of defense of course is not so small magician to confront the threat that they and the entire community of black magic magic, friends in the Miao-li and the encouragement of Ron, Harry decision Hand to solve the problem. Harry secretly assembled a small group of students, self-styled "Dumbledore's Army" to teach them how to defense themselves against black magic to help them brave the small magician ready to meet the challenges of the present difficultis. good luck!

2008-08-26 23:23:18 補充:
good luck is me + no in 主文! GOOD LUCK!
參考: me
2008-08-26 7:23 pm
Harry entered the Hogwarts for his fifth school year. Meanwhile, he found that most of the wizards and witches from the Magic Universe did not believe in what Harry said of having met the evil Lord Voldemort, and ignored the fact that the you-know-who has returned with true power. Cornelius Fudge, the minister of the Ministry of Magic, were fear of Dumbledore, the principal of the Hogwarts, to spread out the fact, which may undermine Cornelius's power and finally got him resigned. Hence, Cornelius sent a new teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts to supervise any movement inside the Hogwarts. The irony was that the curriculum was meaningless that the students could not get hold of accidental outbreak of the Dark Arts as a threat. Having no choice, Harry gathered a small gang of schoolmates with the support of Ron and Hermione, titling themselves as 'Dumberdore's Army'. During those gatherings, Harry taught the Army how to defend themselves from the Dark Arts, and to get prepared for the challenges ahead.

我盡量譯, 因為我英文唔好所以有好多沙石, 希望幫到你 =]

2008-08-26 11:29:30 補充:
grammar 同其他字詞改進:
第4行, ... Ministry of Magic, were fear of Dumbledore ... "were" 應該係 "was"
第5行, ... Hogwarts, to spread out the fact ... "to spread out the fact 改做 "spreading out that fact"

2008-08-26 11:29:34 補充:
第8行, ... get hold of accidental outbreak of... "accidental outbreak of" 改做 "accidental outbreak of conflicts of"


各位高手如有高見, 請賜教!
2008-08-26 12:53 am
參考: internet

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