
2008-08-25 2:17 pm
1. 電腦節賣$3000小型notebook有咩功能?
2. 如果我都係用黎聽下歌上下網夠唔夠用呢??
3. 有冇d同款有比較好d呢??
5. 呢部野有咩優點同缺點呢??

5條問題.....唔要copy and paste 一大段野...thx~~~

回答 (3)

2008-08-26 8:56 pm
✔ 最佳答案
asus eee 901
atom 1.6ghz
1G ram
9" mon
20gb ssd
pos: battery can use 6-8 hours

asus eee 701
celeron 900mhz
512mb ram
4gb ssd
pos: only 900g weight , very cheap
3hr only

acer spire one
3hr only

仲有好多brand , 功能都差不多, ......但我覺得asus 較好...因佢唔貴, 而電量好好...

我買左901 ....幾好, 新款
con: 這些notebook 個mon 都....比較少,
無正版window, 只跟linux OS
無cd -rom , 要用就要另外買

返學上網聽歌, 完全OK, 我都係咁用, 睇下movie 都可以
2008-08-25 2:56 pm
$3000 Notebook can 上下網, 做下功課, have Basic function BUT Harddisk may not big enough to store movie or many songs. You prepare to buy Memory stick or external harddisk.

You can consider EC700. this is is old version. (The latest version is EC900/EC 901, but it is out of your budget)

Or you can consider HP 2133. But it is around $4000.
2008-08-25 2:46 pm
3000$ , not enough to buy a GOOD PDA

do you need a notebook or PDA ???

mostly, the platform might not be MICROSOFT-- for some of those notebook

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=== o o o ==== o o o =====

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hk legco election -- sep 2008 -- free material for candidates to copy -- as election agenda material

chinese version

english version
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