
2008-08-25 10:17 am
1.)The monthly rental income derived by Mr.Kwan from a flat for 2004/2005 was $7750.Find the property tax payable.
2.)The base radius and height of a cylinder are 4 cm and 8cm repectiveli.If the base radius increases by 25% and the height dearease by 40%
a.Find the new volume of the cylinder.(Express your answer in terms ofπ)
b.Find the percentage change in the volume of the cylinder.
3.)Mr. Cheung bought in 10000 unit of a fund at a unit price at a $2.8 two years ago.The unit prices of the fund increased by 5%in the first year and 10% in the second year.
a.Find the average unit price of the fund at present.
b.Find the precentage change in the unit price of the fund.
c.What is the total value of fund owned by Mr. Cheung at present?

回答 (1)

2008-08-29 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) The property tax rate for 2004/2005 is 16%.
The annual rental income is $7750 X 12 = $93000
The tax payable = $93000 X 16% = $14880

a) The new volume of the cylinder
π X (4X1.25)^2 X (8X0.6)
= 120π

b) The original volume of the cylinder
πX 4^2 X 8
= 128π

The percentage change in the volume of the cylinder
(120π-128π)/128πX 100%
= -6.25%

a) The average unit price of the fund at present
$2.8 X 1.05 X 1.1
= $3.234

b) The precentage change in the unit price of the fund
($3.234 - $2.8) / $2.8 X 100%
= 15.5%

c) The total value of fund owned by Mr. Cheung at present
$3.234 X 10000
= $32340

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