
2008-08-25 8:29 am
我就來去澳洲 我想知一個月的生活費大約系幾多錢??我系住HOMESTAY 架 通常家人應一個月入幾多錢會好D???(俾埋自己多少少GE洗費GE話))同埋第一個月 通常系咪用得特別多錢架!? 甘我應帶幾多錢過去好??THX!!!!!!請有經驗GE人可以回答我GE問題!!

回答 (1)

2008-08-29 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
well....it really depends on where u are going...
im guessing your homestay includes 21 meals per week..right?...
therefore that's around $240-270......
i only know sydney daily all around transportation ticket's $15..canberra's daily buss ticket's $3......if you are taking buses or train or stuffs to school everyday.....that would be around $40-70 per month.....
if you eat out.......the price's like....around $8-15 for a bowl of noodle in chinese restaurant(at least)......
mcdonald's around $6 - 8 a meal....
and if you are living in homestay...dont bring everything you thought you need......cuz you are not gonna need them as they would pretty much provide everything......(e.g. medicine, toothpaste, towel...)
oh!..phone and internet service are quite expensive.....

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