Lee Strasberg Acting School?

2008-08-24 8:00 pm
If I go to the Lee Strasberg acting School will acting agents see me?

回答 (2)

2008-08-24 8:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
probably not, such schools as this are simply bureaucracies that perpetuate themselves and don';t really care about the students. YOu want agents to see you? and the term is talent agent not acting agent, then work hard to build up a strong resume and apply to the agents for representation. If acting schools worked, all of their grads would be actors instead of just a tiny few of them. Strasberg and The Method are frauds and old fashioned to boot. YOu will need more modern training.
2008-08-24 8:08 pm
Yes, if you are good enough to be accepted in the first place.

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