What does it mean? (Japanese)?

2008-08-24 11:10 am
おい、てめぇWどこ見て歩いてやがんだ?このバカ!肩落としてんじゃねーの?どうしてくれるんだ?このずっ どこどっこい、ボケナス、マヌケ、クズかす、たわけものめ!!!!!!慰謝料よこせW

What does it mean?

or you can "write" the synopsis.

回答 (2)

2008-08-24 11:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like a really *scary* spam mail ...not.. lol

"Hey dude, where do you think you're looking when you're walking. Idiot! You discouraged, huh? Why you ... Stupid idiotic blockhead, etc, etc !!!!! Give me compensation lol.
If you can say this in less than 15 seconds, you won't ever have troubles when you meet scary guys.
See ya."

The person below me will probably have no problems when she meets scary guys. Scared the hell out of me =P
參考: I'm japanese
2008-08-24 6:35 pm
Yes, it is Japanese. These sentences seem like from Anime or Manga. Okay, here's the translation:

"Hey, dude. What are you looking at when you are walking? Are you out of your mind or what? You are air head, @** hole, and piece of @****. Give me your @****ing compensation." If you could say this in less than 15 seconds, you will have no trouble with scary guys. See ya."

I hope it will help.
參考: I am Japanese.

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