What percent of 400 is 320?

2008-08-24 10:04 am

回答 (13)

2008-08-24 10:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
400 320
100 X
X=(100 x 320) /400 =80,then you will write 320 is 80% of 400,or say

320 is 80 percent of 400.
2008-08-24 5:08 pm
You can answer this question by doing this:

100% of 400 is 400

divide by 100 so you get

1% of 400 is 4

so if 1% is 4, you just divide to see how many 4s are in 320

320 / 4 = 80, so 80%!
2008-08-24 6:22 pm
320/400 x 100%
= 32000/400 %
= 80%
2008-08-24 5:35 pm


2008-08-24 5:24 pm
(400/320) x 100

= 80 %
2008-08-24 5:07 pm
2008-08-24 8:55 pm
320/400 = 4/5 = 80%.
2008-08-24 5:29 pm
320/400=0.8=80% check 80%*400=320
2008-08-24 5:08 pm
320 is 80% of 400

400 is 125% of 320
2008-08-24 5:07 pm
320 is 80% of 400

400 is 125% of 320

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