
2008-08-25 3:21 am
Make logical guesses about the meaning of the 括號 words using the contextual clues.
1.Mary was so (parsimonious) that she refused to give her own son any money.
A.generous B.sad C.mean D.poor
2.Peter was (churlish)-rude and bad-temered.
A.impolite B.happy C.clever D.energetic
3.The girl is (loquacious) but her brothers hardly talk at all.
A.fussy B.shy C.quiet D.talkative
4.Snowflakes are in the shape of hexagons.A (hexagon) is a six-sided shape.
A.a shape with six faces B.a round shape with no corners
C.a shape with six straight sides D.a shape with more than six straight sides

回答 (3)

2008-08-25 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
慷慨的B.sad C.mean D.poor
.沒禮貌的B.happy C.clever D.energetic
. 女孩是(多嘴),但是她的兄弟根本不交談。
.過分裝飾的B.shy C.quiet D.talkative
雪花呈hexagons.A(六邊形)的形狀是一個6 邊形狀。
.在沒有角落的形狀的周遭的有6 面B.a的一個形狀
.有有超過6 條直道的6 條D.a 形狀直道的一個形狀
2008-08-30 3:31 am
2008-08-25 4:45 am
2.churlish 粗暴 impolite 無禮
3.loquacious = talkative愛說話
4.hexagon六邊型 = a shape with six straight sides

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