begin 同 start 有冇分別?

2008-08-25 3:07 am
如題 ~ 答的時候請舉例

回答 (3)

2008-08-25 5:57 am
所以有 at the begining
冇at the starting.....
2008-08-25 3:20 am

以我理解. begin 同start 是沒有太大分別的.
用作(v.t.)或(v.i.) 時..都是解作開始的意思.

When did you begin learning English?
When did you start learning English?

begin 是不能用作noun (名詞).

但start 是可以用作noun (名詞)

let's take a start.

let's take a "begin"
參考: 自己+字典
2008-08-25 3:15 am
There is usually little or no difference between BEGIN and START.

e.g.1 I began/started teaching wen I was 24.

e.g.2 If Sam doesn't come soon, let's begin/start without him.

We generally prefer BEGIN when we are using a more formal style.

e.g.1 We will begin the meeting with a message from the President. (FORMAL)

e.g.2 Oh no! It's starting to rain.

There are some cases where BEGIN is not possible as a matter of collocation:

START (but not BEGIN) is used to mean:

1) "start a journey"

1a) I think we ought to start at six, while the roads are empty.

2) "start working"

2a) The car won't start.

3) "make (mechines) start"

3a) How do you start the washing machine?

You may also like to refer to an English collocation dictionary for further information.

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