✔ 最佳答案
以下這個網站可免費翻譯多國語言 (超過 30 種), 包括中、英、泰文:
http://www.wikiled.com/如想進行中、泰文的字詞翻譯, 可直接輸入這網址:
2008-09-03 12:11:41 補充:
上述地址是泰文轉中文 (簡)
2008-09-09 14:28:55 補充:
Reply to mrgaijin: if you know a software program or website which provides much better FREE translation please show us, OR PLEASE KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!
2008-09-10 13:42:38 補充:
Please note that the asker expected a Thai translation website, and I just gave him/her what he/she was looking for, so what's the point of saying that it's a kind of【promotion】? Admittedly, no translation sites are totally reliable, but shall we emphasize that to the asker?
2008-09-10 13:44:00 補充:
My point is all askers are supposed to have known the limitation of any software or websites.
2008-09-12 16:04:19 補充:
如發問者找人譯泰文, 我給對方一個譯網了事, 給中評, 我無意見, 已賺了. 但發問者已聲明是想找軟件或工具, 找到了告訴對方, 又何以算是 promotion? 此外, 發問者是否會以為一個免費的翻譯網可譯出完美的文字? 如果這麼明顯的道理真的要向發問者指出, 我的回答的確是不夠好了, 但這也與 promotion 無關.