
2008-08-24 9:01 am

回答 (2)

2008-08-24 11:13 pm
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荷蘭(Prince of Orange)威廉一世(Willem I)任省督,其後威廉一世領導荷蘭一帶的屬地脫離西班牙管治,並於1815年成立荷蘭王國(Kingdom of the Netherlands)至今。人的也知道英文「Orange」正是「橙」的意思,所以橙色其實是荷蘭的「國色」,正是荷蘭隊的「橙色兵團」人們更加鐘意橙色。
參考: 資料
2008-08-24 11:51 am
The present monarchy of 荷蘭 was originally founded in 1813 when the
French were driven away and the then prince of Orange was proclaimed as Sovereign Prince of The United Netherlands

荷蘭的第一位國王是香橙王子。 如此橙色代表荷蘭

香橙王子is a name.
參考: I learnt that when I travelled in the Netherlands

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