I dont know how to trust anymore?

2008-08-24 1:47 am
How do i trust a man when ive never been trated with love or respect?...Are all men the same?I cannot find one that has a heart.?

回答 (14)

2008-08-24 1:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
You've been going with the wrong guys, but there still are good guys out the there. I'm one of them.

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2008-08-24 9:01 am
i had the same problem but then one day I met this very sweet guy and what i learned is that women love harder than men and that you can only trust one guy and that guy will never break your heart because if you ask him a question like would you ever break my heart and if he says no then you can trust him but if he says yes he is a heart breaker.
參考: me
2008-08-24 8:59 am
No not all, some though just were not brought up to respect and love a woman, and that is a big part of the problem. There are good men of course out there, a lot are taken and married, but, there are widowed men who are good kind men, some divorced as well. I think older wiser men that were brought up in a different generation would be the way to find a man with a good heart. See how a man treats his family, mothers, sisters, women in general, that will tell you a lot about him and how he will be to you. You may be meeting them in the wrong places, and the wrong kinds of men. Stay clear of bars or men who are looking for a quick pick up. Find out all you can about the persons history before getting too involved, what other people think of him and even how his ex feels about him. You have just had a bad run, happens and sometimes takes a lot of frogs to get your prince, a lot.
2008-08-24 8:57 am
You're looking in the wrong places.
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and then these things will come to you. If you are a Christian then seek Him further until you touch the hem of his garment and he blesses you.
I thought I knew what love was but it wasn't until I met the Master of love that I found out. God bless you
2008-08-24 8:53 am
No, not all men are like that. It's very hard to trust men again after being treated wrongly but you will gain it back slowly. It took me good 5 years; although I still can't be totally trust one. Now that I learn from my experience, no matter who, I only trust that person 90%. I keep that 10% to protect myself, at least at the end, if things don't work up, I won't be blaming myself how stupid I was to totally trust someone. It applies to everybody, not just in relationship.
2008-08-24 8:52 am
You have to know that you can never totally 100% trust anyone, you just have to trust that if something goes wrong, there will be signs revealing themselves to you. So, don't be preoccupied with what someone might do (because they might not do anything) because if they are doing wrong, it will come out.. you just have to pay attention and not turn a blind eye!
2008-08-24 8:52 am
i wish u could meet me..hmmm...well, boys are cute and they have a heart but men (when boys get older) dont have heart anymore, they want sex and thats it.

and NO! not all the men are the same.
2008-08-24 8:51 am
I thought the same way, until i met my fiance. There are guys out there that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. It did take a little while for me to let go of my trust issues and let my guard down and when i did, it was well worth it.
參考: Exprience
2008-08-24 8:51 am
Most men are jerks, keep your eyes out for the ones that have hearts. Its all hope and prayers from there on :\ And if you dont know how to trust anymore, then dont. I dont, its worked well for me
2008-08-24 8:51 am
Location location locatioN!

Not all men are the same..Maybe the men in your area are all under the same influences.

I say start fresh in a new area.

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