how to deal with long distant relationships?

2008-08-24 1:34 am
how do you do it?
it must be really hard do you find its impossible after sometime or do you think it can stay strong like a nearby relationship?

回答 (7)

2008-08-24 1:43 am
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I have a year and a half now, with this guy I met in person. The truth, we don't want to fool each other, so we are friends but caring mutually.
IDK if it works , but I believe it depends on the commitment we make of never letting it go.
That's why we keep it as friends, cuz if doesn't work out we at least know we'll always be there for one another. Who knows maybe someday! Until we can see each other and actually touch we'll have this hope.
2008-08-24 8:39 am
I think it's impossible. Never works, it's life you know?
2008-08-24 8:47 am
Hi. I had a super long distant relationship and it last for a year and a half. The distant is about half of the world and it was difficult and expensive. From my experience, there are only two words to keep the relationship going and I think they work for any kind of relationships-Love and trust! Nothing works without one of them. I only got to see my bf then twice a year, and each last about 2 to 3 weeks. The good thing about it is that we were so happy to see each other and tried to avoid argument because we both cherished the time to spend with each other; however, when we weren't together, both of us started to think way toooo much. If one of us got home late, or didn't pick up the phone, we thought the other one might be with someone else at that time, which is bad but as a human, this though always cames first. So, if you ask me would I do it again, I think I wouldn't. But hey, when love comes, ,there is nothing you can do about it, right??
2008-08-24 8:43 am
some people do it and it works for them. But personally i think you end up living different lives and grow apart...
2008-08-24 8:42 am
Oh I can tell you from experience it is hard hard hard.

Avoid it if possible.

I was with my ex for 7 years.

He spent 6 months with me and 6 months in Australia every year...

It creates false intimacy and no one needs that.

He/ she ends up being the reason you feel so alone
2008-08-24 8:42 am
i feel that long distance relationships work out much better than nearby relationships. i have been in a few relationships, one of which lasted a few years when i was younger and i never loved him as much as i love my ex and we were long distance. one thing you need in a long distant relationship is trust, there is no way you can have a LDR without trust! at all! and that is why me and my ex ended as he seen me deleting texts (which were actually off him) and he lost all trust in me as he thought it was off someone else but i'd no way to prove it as i had deleted them :( even let him keep the sim for a few days so he could see i had no other lads texting but didn't work out :( but really, if you're in a LDR, the times you get to spend together, you treasure so much more than if you were to see them everyday; makes you miss them, you have to wait for kisses and cuddles and when you finally get them after a few days, it's the most amazing feeling ever!! :) that is why i think they're so much better.
2008-08-24 8:41 am
i think it's a silly idea
humans can't cope with not seeing their partener for extended amounts of time
trust will be a big issue too

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