example quality of touch, variety and gradation of tone,choice of tempo, observance of marks of expression, rhythm, phrasing and accent, and the use of
Scales, arpeggios and broken chords should be played from memory,
ascending and descending throughout the prescribed compass, at a pace
appropriate to the technical demands of the grade, consistent with accuracy
and distinctness, and without undue accentuation. In all grades, broken chords and arpeggios should be played legato; scales in Grades 1 to 5 legato, Grade 6 legato or staccato only as indicated in the syllabus, but in Grades 7 and 8
legato or staccato as directed by the examiner. Any practical and systematic
fingering which produces a good result will be accepted. Pedalling must not be
E D係音樂術語,並唔係咩指南針。你亂咁答,就算我扣分都唔會選你就最佳!