拿加大出生, 在3 歲數前回港定居  ( 請幫手回覆,急急急)

2008-08-24 6:19 am
本人女兒在拿加大多倫多出生, 在3 歲數前回港定居 (到港日期 18/5/1997 ),
現在想返回拿加大出讀書。 請問拿加大會否收她入學。

To : rockychan1115 有加拿大國籍passport. 我想問由於女兒在港太久, 拿加大學校會不收她入學. 她英文一般.


To : grandtom 有姑媽在拿加大, Thank you :]


我本人同女兒(一齊到港日期 18/5/1997 ), 有加拿大國籍passport.我會部同女兒一齊返 拿加大, 由於在港太久, 想問到多倫多入境時有沒有 trouble , 入境職員會不會問我為什麼太久不返. 其他問題......

回答 (2)

2008-08-24 6:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案

your question is very simple...

your daughter is Canadian citizen.... so what kind the trouble she will have to go back Canada?

she can go back any time she want and enter any public school she want in her reside area----school district.

that is all.....^^

if her English not so good, the school will let her into some easier subjest classes.

please dont worry too much about the language, children is very easy to pick up once they are hang out with other children.

do you have any family memeber will live with her??
2008-08-24 6:36 am
你的問題, 無人會答, 因十分不清楚.
加拿大多倫多出生, 現在十三歲左右.
無學校名, 有無加拿大國籍? 是否學校包住宿? 女兒是否英文好好? 成績方面? 太多問題唔知, 點答你......
上網去那間學校的網址, 把你女兒的資料電郵給學校, 看看有沒有回音?
參考: 我

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