AL Chem: van der Waal's Force

2008-08-24 3:43 am
Q.1: Why is an extensive surface area helpful to build up a larger van der Waal's Force?
Q.2: In ice, molecules are oriented in such a way that the maximum number of hydrogen bonds are formed, but why it results in an inefficient packing of water molecules so that ice is less dense than water?

Thx a lot. ^^

回答 (1)

2008-08-24 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
an extensive surface area increase the dipole moment.
i.e. the partial charge are more strong in a large surface area than a smaller surface area. the van der waals force depends on the strength of the partial charge

in ice, the coordination number of water is 4, ice has an open structure. and ice
has tetrahedral holes.
in water, there is no open strucutre and no tetrahedral holes

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