
2008-08-24 3:32 am
"外國人"既英文可唔可以叫"The alien"?
The + adj. 會係xx的人
the busy = 忘的人
the diligent =勤力的人
咁"外國人"可唔可以講成"the alien"

回答 (4)

2008-08-24 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
邊個話ALIEN 唔係外國人﹐ALIEN 原來既意思就係外國人﹐只係套戲借左黎用遮。美國綠卡又叫 ALIEN CARD。

In U.S. law, an( alien) is a legal term for a person, either a corporation or a human, who is not a United States national.[1] The United States Government distinguishes between legal and illegal aliens. The government use of alien dates back to 1798, when the Alien and Sedition Acts defined aliens as potential enemies of the state.[2] The related legal term foreigner refers to a citizen of the United States who is not a citizen of the state in question, as in a New York corporation is a foreign company inside New Jersey.
2008-08-24 4:49 am
外國人----------------------- Foreigner

The alien係唔可以講成外國人
參考: ME
2008-08-24 4:29 am
Alien could also mean 外國人, although we usually use the word "foreigner". In fact, the word "alien" is commonly used in proper documents, like legal documents.
2008-08-24 3:46 am
of course 唔可以!



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