
2008-08-24 1:29 am
本人而家就黎13歲, 以前小學學過6年中國舞同兩年ballet.
如果得o既, 咁邊間好d??毛妹or王仁曼?我住港島的, 有冇其他介紹?
除咗ballet之外, 我仲可以學咩舞?

唔好意思, 各位!!!! 我不是想要減肥的資訊或方法. 請大家不要誤會!!!! 我希望要的是一些關於跳舞的建議.

回答 (2)

2008-08-25 12:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hmm, how tall are you? whather u are heavy or not just depends on your height.
I am learning Ballet. And some people who are fatter than you are learning Ballet. Dancing should be joyful. Dont worry too much about your weight!
I think learning ballet is a good method to 'keep fit'. However, you should keep having lesson for at least twice per week. Dancing ballet is all about the movements of your whole body. you have learnt it before, right? Do you remember the way your teacher taught you how to stand properly? You can learn to be more confident and act elegantly through Ballet.

王仁曼 (Jean W.) is quite harsh and expensive as I have heard from the others. She's got an 'Elite' class and she spends most of her time in that class. So, if you cant be admitted in that class, she may not be able to teach you too often... I think.

I dunno much about 毛妹... sorry about that.

曾雪麗seems quite good. some of my secondary school frds learnt ballet there.

Right... you may learn Jazz or even social dance (chacha is quite fun!!)
參考: my own opinions
2008-08-24 9:06 am
It is okay. I am evern heavier than you but I could finish G8 exam too.
Just go ahead. You would be slimmer and healthier when you start to dance.

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