[英文] 英文文法問題

2008-08-23 11:08 pm
今日收到封律師信寫We are instructed that xxxxx
請問We are instructed that xxxx係咪叫被動式? (be +p.p)
點解呢句要用被動式既?? 唔該各位

回答 (2)

2008-08-24 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
are instructed 係(現在式)的被動語態

We are instructed ((被) 指示 / 命令/ 吩咐) 做.......

句子有分主動及被動的寫法, 一般做會用主動語氣寫法, 若想強調講便用被動式, 視乎你想用主動或被動寫
Perter instruct us. (主動)
We are instructed by Peter. (被動)

此外, 被動式有2種情況下, 不用寫(by XXX)
1. This road is build (by workers.)
- Road 一定係worker 起, understood 所以可以不寫(by workers.)
2. My watch was stolen (by whom).
- 由於不知誰偷, 所以不用寫 (by whom)

我順便列哂所有Passive Voice, 部份係(無)Passive Voice

simple present tense - (is/am/are) + PP
present continous tense - (is/am/are being) + PP
present perfect tense - (have/has been) + PP
present perfect continous tense - 無

simple past tense - (was/went) + PP
past continous tense - (was/went being) + PP
past perfect tense - (had been) + PP
past perfect continous tense - 無

future tense - (will/shall be) + PP
future continous tense - 無
future perfect tense - (will/shall have been) + PP
future perfect continous tense - 無
2008-08-24 3:55 am
We are instructed that
即是他們被委託去 XXXXXX
參考: 自己

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