won't.......(plx come in!)5points

2008-08-23 9:36 pm
won't/will not後面洗唔洗+ing?????And why!!!

回答 (3)

2008-08-23 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
If you are using future tense, you just have to add will or won't in front of the verb.

E.g. I won't play video games tomorrow.

If you are using future continuous tense, then you need to use it in a form like will/won't verb ing.

E.g. I won't be playing video games tomorrow because I need to study for a test on Friday.

future continuous tense is used when you are expressing an action in the future that will not finish at that moment and the action will continue to occur.

For example, playing video games is a continuous action, you may playing for an hour or two hours. So in my previous example, you can use future continuous tense for that sentence.

Hope I can help you
2008-08-23 9:44 pm
of coruse not,
will或 won't後面既verb一定唔+ing
參考: me
2008-08-23 9:42 pm
future tense (will, will not)後面唔洗+ing

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