i want to know more about 貂熊

2008-08-23 11:02 am
i want to know more about 貂熊

回答 (1)

2008-08-23 3:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
貂熊(學名Gulo gulo),也叫狼獾,是現存最大的陸生鼬科動物(巨獺體型更大,但主要為水生),包括兩個亞種。成年貂熊體長65-87釐米,尾長17-26釐米,體重10-25公斤。雄性貂熊要比雌性大許多。從體型上看,貂熊很像是長著長尾巴的小型熊。它們也像多數鼬科動物那樣,會發出難聞的氣味。


The wolverine (Gulo gulo) is the largest land-dwelling species of the Mustelidae or weasel family (the Giant Otter is largest overall), and is the only species currently classified in the genus Gulo (meaning "glutton"). It is also called the Glutton or Carcajou. Some authors recognize two subspecies: the Old World form Gulo gulo gulo and the New World form G. g. luscus. A third subspecies limited to Vancouver Island (G. g. vancouverensis) is also occasionally described; however, craniomorphic evidence suggests that the Vancouver Island wolverines are properly included within G. g. luscus.

2008-08-23 07:36:03 補充:
sorry, website address should be--->http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%B2%82%E7%86%8A

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