
2008-08-23 8:07 am
Dear Friend,

I know that this message will come to you as a surprise please bear with me for contacting you through this media due to it is the easiest way I can contact you as a foreigner with out exposing this business, and I must have to introduce my self to you before relenting you the business I want to engage with you, My name is Mr George Jones Manager Audit and Account Department of our bank, African Development Bank (A.D..B) Ouagadougou Burkina Faso and It is my humble pleasure to write you irrespective of the fact that we have not met for the first time or known each other before.

However, I was able to get your contact through the yahoo international directorate in my earnest search for a reliable and trustworthy person that can handle this confidential transaction with me to transfer the sum of nineteen million, three hundred thousand United States dollars ($19,300,000.00 U.S DOLLARS) into your bank account, and this fund was abandoned and left unclaimed with our bank since the real owner died.


(1)Your full Name................
(2)Your Address..................
(3)Your Phone numbers.........
(4)Fax numbers...................
(5)Your Occupation................
(6)Your Age .....................
(7)Your Marital status............
(8)Your Nationality...............
(9)Your Photograph................

Once i receive your information i will then give you more details information you will use to apply to the bank on how to transfer the fund into you bank account.

I am expecting your reply soonest so that we can proceed
Yours sincerely,
Mr George

跟住我真係俾左所有資料連相俾佢!!! 後尾先知係騙局! 因為我英文差, 睇d唔睇d, 以為自己拎倒基金!
點算好??? 會唔會佢地用我個名地址果d就查倒我身份證去犯案??
點算好T^T...我已經send左1封e-mail俾police, 依家點算好-0-"

回答 (1)

2008-08-23 8:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
警訊都講左個囉播﹐你咁都領野? 尼D都唔關英文差唔差囉﹐冇野既﹐你果D都係一般個人資料﹐查唔倒身份證既﹐唔使驚。下次咪咁貪心啦﹐邊有大只蛤LA隨街跳丫?

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