Will it be better when high school is over? ?

2008-08-22 10:40 pm
I'm a junior in high school. I hate going there. Being with my friends, the teachers, and the classes are good. Other people are outrageous and cruel; they sit there and mock you about things as stupid as your name or the way you look, or how smart you are. Is college better? I know that no matter where you go, some people are like this, but this happens everyday, during every class, and it never stops. What is college like it comparison?

回答 (11)

2008-08-22 10:50 pm
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College is so much different than High School. You'll find that all the things that were so important in high school are no longer a big deal. In fact, it's the popular kids who have the HARDEST time in college, because suddenly no one is impressed by them. When I started college, I made friends that shared my interests right away, and was sitting at a huge table while we all laughed and had a good time. Then a guy named Jason who was the most popular guy in my high school came in. No one even noticed. He sat, alone in a corner eating his lunch, he seemed confused as to why no one was sucking up to him anymore. It was hilarious! Trust me, college is completely different. Yeah there are some stupid people no matter where you go, but in college, you'll find people who share your interests. Some of the people I met in college are still friends of mine 13 years later! Hang in there...you're almost done!!!
2008-08-22 10:57 pm
It will get exponentially better when you leave HS. I hated HS everyday and when I left that place, I ran as fast as I could to college. For me, college was, hands down, the best years of my life. I made friends straight away. You hang with your group of friends and people typically leave you alone. People are always striving to be "different" in college whereas HS everyone is striving to be the same, and if you're not, you get made fun of. I've been there and I can tell you there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Just pick a good school - descent sized, and some place that is fun! - You'll still get an education, but you'll also make lots of great memories! (I've heard of very small private colleges can feel a little like HS.)

Good luck!! And just remember, all the people making fun of you right now, never really grow up. They all marry each other have 5 babies and get divorced before you graduate from college. he, he... (okay.. maybe that is just my small town experience)
2008-08-23 6:48 am
College is very different. Those losers who make fun of people in high school either don't go to college or if they do, they will be ostracized by other college students. Ignore those idiots, but make sure you stand up for yourself when the situation calls for it. In college, people are there to learn, to meet new people, to try new things, and to network. You will meet people from different socioeconomic backgrounds, as well as people from different ethnic backgrounds and even different countries. It'll be worth the wait. :)
2008-08-22 11:49 pm
It most definitley does. High school wasn't for me either.
2008-08-22 10:57 pm
College is the reward for dealing with all the crap everyone puts up with in junior high and high school. Now that being said, the worst years are really behind you...you can see the light at the end of the proverbial tunnel and you know that as soon as you graduate you will never have to deal with those creeps again. While high school demands conformity for social inclusion, college is the exact opposite, it is a time in which most people are really trying to figure out who, what and how they will be in life. Good luck in school and the best is yet to come.
2008-08-22 10:55 pm
After high school, you can choose where you want to be.
Surround yourself with people who like you and who you like.

You might want to do some self reflection and try to figure out why you don't get along with the people around you. It could be them, but it might be you.

Good Luck
2008-08-22 10:50 pm
When you finish high school and college life gets much better.
You have to be responsible for all of it!
Good luck!
2008-08-22 10:46 pm
I totally understand what you mean by the way that some students act in high school. Yes, you should find that college will be significantly better. In fact, you may not find any of those situations at all in college.
2008-08-22 10:46 pm
Like you said, outrageous and cruel will be around anywhere forever, look at it as a life experience and learn how to deal with them. At the end, you are the winner, not them.
2008-08-22 10:43 pm
College is totally different. Especially if you go to a good school. Students are there to learn so they can get a decent job and then laugh at all the buttholes that called them names in HS because they will be working in car washes and such.

Trust me, it gets better.

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