can two people with opposite qualities be compatible?

2008-08-22 9:59 pm
How can people be comaptible, do u have to have common interest? or opposite beieves will work out too?

回答 (12)

2008-08-22 10:04 pm
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Common ground is very helpful.
Fights can occur more often than not if there's no anchor for both to agree on. Opposites attract yes, but they do not usually work well together as books and movies depict.
Mind you, the two don't need to be exactly the same or anything, they should just have at least a few things in common :-)
2008-08-23 5:05 am
If you two complete each other then what's the problem?
2008-08-23 5:04 am
I think you should have the best of both worlds. Like have a few things in common with interest but have opposite personalities. Or the same type of personality or opposite interests. That way you won't get bored of eachother easily and you will have things in common. Always something to talk about to agree with and to disagree with.
2008-08-23 5:03 am
mine did but we had a lot of fights but now we are married so it may or may not work!! good luck doll
2008-08-23 5:04 am
Both work, I think. With the common interests, you can do stuff together; otherwise, you can learn from each others. But nothing is perfect, that's just life :)
2008-08-23 5:02 am
I would say so. My husband of 11 years and I are definitely opposites, but here we still are going strong!
2008-08-23 5:12 am
of course oposites attract, scientically speakin wen u even break a magnet the opposite poles attract while similar poles repel so of course for this person completes u if u r smart they r funny n all dat
2008-08-23 5:06 am
Hi, yes people can get on very well with different personalities if you both were the same life would become boring, not only that you both can learn from each other which is a good thing. I know this as i've been there.
2008-08-23 5:03 am
Totally.. Infact as they say , Opposite attract..
When two people are too similar the relationship gets boring !
2008-08-23 5:02 am
of course, opposites attract

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