How do I feel emotions when watching TV?

2008-08-22 9:52 pm
People always say things like, "Oh, that season ending was so good!", "The actors were so good that it seemed so real", "That scene was so sad", or "You can just feel the love between those two".

But for some reason, I can't feel the same way and this is driving me crazy! I feel like I'm missing out. I know what I'm watching is good and I want to burn it into my mind. I think that if I memorize all the images and how they're animated, then it'll become permanently "within" me. I really want the things that I watch to be like a never-ending fire that's in the core of my soul.

However, I also try very hard to analyze what's happening. I constantly stray my eyes from the main points to the background. I try to note the story's transitions, literary devices, and things like that. But, all this leaves me are tired eyes, tired brain, and incomplete "understanding" of the story.

And now, this is spreading to books and films as well. =(

回答 (12)

2008-08-22 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When somebody watches TV they are connected. They directly associate themselves consciously or unconsciously to the characters, situations, scenario etc. So if somebody is going through a trauma (on TV), person watching it associates him/her self. In other words they perceive that scene from their perspective, how it would've felt like if they were that character or of they were going through the same trauma.

Take for example Bambi, it would be decades that Disney would show somebody dying, in The Lion King, kids very deeply associated with Bambi loosing mother. The despair Bambi felt. Kids movies are usually emotional, for a reason.

When you watch you're in a dissociated state. You don't directly form any connections with any characters or scenes. It's like 3rd person perspective. You're just watching it, you understand what is going on, what is happening, what effect it has etc, but you don't directly empathize or associate with what is going on.

So people who understand from a personal perspective do so b/c they are in an associative state, you while on the other hand in a dissociative state.
2008-08-22 11:09 pm
Stop looking at details and start trying instead to relate to the characters.

Try to FEEL what they are feeling.

It requires you suspend your disbelief for a while and let yourself get sucked into the "reality" of what you're watching as if you were one of the characters going along with them.

It really does take an open-minded imagination and you have to try and make believe you're experiencing everything that they are.
2008-08-22 10:06 pm
I don't laugh at hardly anything I watch. And I've only cried at like 5 movies. So basically I have a unique sense of humor and different things inspire emotions. But I'm not worried about it. The things that do bring out emotions in me I appreciate very much. Maybe you should like write your own funny stories or sad poems. Just watch and chill. And make a bet with your friends to try to see who can make you laugh lol or cry :]
2008-08-22 10:02 pm
you said it yourself you analyze things too much... theres nothing wrong with that. if you are feeling that you want to retain the movie book film whatever your doing, in your mind because it seems good then just go with it and let yourself go. i think one thing you should try is watch one of your favorite movies that you think you can get emotional not only sad but glad to watch it and just listen to it... and try to analyze it that way then go and watch it normally.
2008-08-22 10:01 pm
Well there you go, dont distract yourself with all that shiz! You know there are some incredible movies out there and you need to find the right one maybee. I love movies that make me feel emotions. Maybe pick one you can relate too.

Some movies that I think you could enjoy: Conair, Premonition, Along Came A Spider, The Notebook, Eye For an Eye, etc.

I don't think you are emotionless but I think you like a challenge. You need a challenge. These movies maybe easy to figure out or hard. But the trick is to let it do the thinking for you... not you. I know that sounds silly but what I mean is let the story tell YOU how it is, not thinking about what you think it is. In the meantime, dont fret too much. You will grow out of it.

Also, a TV series that has me really hooked is House MD. I never cared to own series of shows before and I dont really care about medical stuff but this show has me needing another episode, another season, another case, another diagnosis. Watch it and see what I mean. And Dr. House is the same way... he likes a challenge. If it isn't a medical mystery, he isnt interested. You might like it, and you might relate.

Good luck! I hope you work it out. I love how a good movie can take you to a different place and make you laugh, cry, scream at the TV, or hide behind the blankets.
參考: Laugh- Taxi, The Man Cry- The Notebook, Titanic Scream at the TV- Premonition, Conair Hide behind the blankets- The Ring, The Grudge
2008-08-22 10:01 pm
I think your maybe lack of life experiences, like, have you been heart broken? Have you go through death with someone close to you? You know, stuff like that can gain your emotions with life. If you are more like a logical person, watch something real and if you are more "star wars" person, go with Batman type of movies. Think of what you've been through with life and find some movies close to it. I suggest to watch more independent movies, they are more realistic. I think it's the same with TV shows. Hope it helps :)
2008-08-22 9:59 pm
It's pretty much if you dont laugh at it its not funny to you and thats ok or if its supposed to be sad and you don't feel sad it's bad acting to you so you feel the emotions depending on what you think of it not because you have to.
參考: 7th grade mind
2008-08-22 9:59 pm
I was going to say read a book, but maybe whatever you're watching doesn't interest you or 'inspire' you in such a great way. All those shows and movies that people tell you suck, watch those. You might end up loving them because of how your head works and thinks compared to theirs.
2008-08-22 9:58 pm
Apathy sucks... no?
2008-08-22 9:57 pm
You can't feel emotions because your a robot, with a nuclear missile hidden in your stomach. When you finally realize this, you'll feel strong emotions for the first time in your life; Anger. But before you go on a rampage and destroy the world your internal alka selzer battery will die out. Problem solved. World saved.
2008-08-22 9:56 pm
You're thinking too much.. Just sit down, watch Law & Order SVU and don't think about it...just enjoy it :-)
2008-08-22 9:56 pm
Sometimes the same happens to me. I can't feel emotions... but sometimes I turn so emo... just don't know why...

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