
2008-08-23 6:51 am
A compound X containing only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen gave the following results on analysis: 3.72g of the substance gave 5.28g of carbon dioxide and 3.24g of water on complete combustion..

以上呢個statement係咪錯左...mass of reactant唔係應該等如mass of product咩??點解佢3.72g既compound X可以變到 5.28g carbon dioxide同3.24g 既water既??

回答 (2)

2008-08-23 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案

No, there is no such mistake in the statement.

This is because oxygen is needed in combustion. The word equation is shown below:
compound X + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water

Mass of compound X + Mass of oxygen = Mass of Carbon dioxide + Mass of water

Total mass of products = 5.28 + 3.24 = 8.52 g
Total mass of reactants = 8.52 g
Mass of oxygen reacted = 8.52 - 3.72 = 4.8 g
2008-08-23 10:01 am

o係呢條問入面, 佢係講緊combusion, 有樣野你要知道ge 就係, 呢個reaction 一定involve oxygen ge 加入。

3.72g of the substance gave 5.28g of carbon dioxide , 其實多左出黎果d 就係oxygen, 另外果個一樣~
參考: myself~~

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