物業被撻訂, 我能再追討什麼呢 ?

2008-08-23 5:37 am
大約半年前, 本人將一物業售出 (已簽署正式買賣合約及收了一成樓價, 而臨約當時亦是必買必賣, 但於本月中買方沒有成交) 我想問閣下 (最好是律師或會計師), 買方是一有限公司, 亦於半年前有轉售物業獲利, 那我除了沒收一成訂金外, 還能追討什麼呢? 請指教 !

回答 (2)

2008-08-25 3:26 am
你可以按你的權利去追討有關費用, 如樓價差價, 佣金和律師費等, 但如用是有限公司, 有可能係資不低債, 最後就係執左, 所有法庭費用, 就有可能部份法庭費用係你付出(最終都係法官判) 所以上庭亦有風險.

有限公司買樓無錢上會或見世色不對就大不了唔買...如有法律爭執就清盤. 無人上身的..... 呢招一絕
2008-08-23 6:04 am
You should check the clause in the sales and purchases agreement for the remedies to other party should a party failed to complete the agreement. check with your lawyer whether a specific performance on completing the transaction or you can claim for the difference in the market price, if possible. Anyway, stick to the terms in the agreement. It is of no implication for the buyer. a limited company, having a profit in property dealings recently.

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