present perfect tense 問題

2008-08-23 4:34 am
1.Just now, Bob came across the files we were looking for.
這條我雖然知有個were係到所以要用came..............但係點解唔可以用has come....
2.She has already spoken to the security officer about the vandalised telephones.點解e條唔可以用She already spoke.....
3.We have already mailed our Christmas greeting cards to our friends overseas.點解唔可以用already mailed??

回答 (3)

2008-08-23 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. has come既意思係"已經來到並且繼續維持動作",但句義只係講佢黎果一刻,冇突出"繼續"既意味,所以用came比較好

2. 呢句句義係想講"已經報告左",背後意義係繼續等待officer處理,所以用present perfect

3. 呢句句義係想講"已經郵寄左",背後意義可能係繼續等待回覆,所以用present perfect

其實用present perfect定係past tense,好多時係睇句義,有時可以通用,但主要present perfect有"已經"既意思
參考: myself~
2008-08-23 9:54 am
Often the past continuous is mixed with the past simple to show what was happening when something happened.
The past continuous refers to the longer event and the simple past to the event that interrupted it.
1. Bob came across ( what was happened) the files we were looking for(looked for the file in the past but still looking for till now)

The present perfect simple is used to discuss events that have just been completed at the moment of speaking
2. "already" "yet" "just" - using present perfect in general.
3. same as the second one.

In simple past form:
She spoke to the security office about the vandalised telephones yesterday.
We mailed our Christmas greeting cards to our firneds overseas last week.
2008-08-23 5:29 am
1. Because 'were looking' is past continuous, so you need to use simple past tense in the front and vice versa.

2. you can surely use simple past tense but 要睇上文下理。


解釋一下第三題﹐如果我問你﹐你寄左聖誕卡未呀?你應該答, I have already mailed them out. 我已經寄左啦!
如果我問你﹐D聖誕卡係邊呀?你會答﹐I mailed them out。我寄左出去.


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