maths question about polynomials, pls. teach me

2008-08-22 10:54 pm
Use the factor theorem to factorize the following polynomials.

2x^3 - 25x^2 +67x +40

回答 (2)

2008-08-22 11:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let f(x) = 2x3﹣25x2 + 67x + 40
f(5) = 2(5)3﹣25(5)2 + 67(5) + 40
f(5) = 0
So (x﹣5) is the factor of f(x).
By using the long division,


x﹣5 / 2x3﹣25x2 + 67x + 40

      -15x2 + 67x

      -15x2 + 75x

         - 8x + 40

         - 8x + 40
So f(x) = (x﹣5)(2x2﹣15x﹣8)
f(x) = (x﹣5)(2x + 1)(x﹣8)

2008-08-22 15:02:57 補充:
2x^3﹣25x^2 + 67x + 40 = (x﹣5)(2x + 1)(x﹣8)

2008-08-23 02:12:45 補充:
其實 f(-1/2)都是f(x)的因式

2008-08-23 17:35:12 補充:
根據因式定理(factor theorem),
若x﹣a是f(x)的因式,則f(a) = 0,而a是一個整數
2008-08-23 8:55 am
很清楚, 但我不明 f(x) 為何是 f(5), 請解釋下.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 23:26:22
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