Do you think the country is really dumb enough to vote for Mccain after the disaster with BUSH!?

2008-08-21 2:25 pm
How much worse could we ask for?!

Oh and by the way You quick thinking Bush and Mccain fans, My user name has nothing to do with drugs! If you were broader thinkers like the Democrats you would not be so quick to judge! It has to do with my name! I am just amazed at how many people really want 4 more years of the crap we have went thru for the last 7 1/2 years! The world is starting to hate us!(and no not because of our freedom!) Im just speechless! And very unhappy with our direction as a country! We are starting to become the enemy we used to fight!

回答 (48)

2008-08-21 2:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
just remember that bush got re-elected
even after it was revealed the intelligence the Iraq war was based on, was completely fabricated

I think the people are more than stupid enough to elect McCain
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
no they would be dumber to vote Obama so he can raise our taxes
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Bush is a disaster? Where did you get that idea?
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Better than voting for the idiot Obama.
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
what disaster w/ bush. what r u talking about. =[
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Sure not stupid enough to vote for Obama. Well you might vote for him.
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
"How much worse could we ask for?" OBAMA.
2008-08-21 2:31 pm
Obama=Jimmy Carter Part 2. You said how much worse. Well,there ya go.
2008-08-21 2:31 pm
Now I understand why you chose that avatar name.
2008-08-21 2:31 pm
Bush got a bad rap for being impulsive. However, the war in Iraq DID need to be fought. Saddam was killing his own people, and the UN did NOTHING. Furthermore, the US was STILL in a state of war with Iraq, which Saddam violated the terms of the cease fire on numerous occasions, BUT, the US observed Shariya law in regards to cease fire agreements, and did not promote hostility for 11 years, Saddam did not.

Obama is a liar, and is an associate of KNOWN domestic terrorists. He wants to raise the tax burden of EVERY household by 3-5k dollars a year, PER year...and he WANTED the price of gasoline and oil to go up.

The only reason liberals vote against republicans, is that they don't have any concept of reason or accountability. Liberalism is a mental disorder.
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Yes, it is. Any electorate dumb enough to vote for Bush twice would vote for McCain.
2008-08-21 2:29 pm
Are you worried because they are about even in the polls now? I am glad America is waking up! I would hope they would vote for the BEST for the US. Neither is the best...but BO is the worst!

hahaha And it is just like someone to bring up the race card. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE! Goodness....start thinking you might lose and you bring up race. Just like Bo...he teaches his followers well.!

And the draft won't come back. We want INTELLEGENT people in the services....! gosh...people need to get real here!
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Yes, people vote for there party not for who is running. Its an awful set up. We should do away with parties and be all independent just like the Constitution says.
2008-08-21 2:29 pm
Well then the Democratic party should have offered up at reasonable alternative instead of Obama
2008-08-21 2:29 pm
Simple. We'd get much worse with Obama as President.
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Yeah they are because they don't want a African American to be president.
2008-08-21 2:32 pm
i can tell u r a really deep thinker.u probably read two newspapers each day.. do u ever go further than the comic section??
2008-08-21 2:30 pm
How much worse could we ask for,,,, = Obama
2008-08-21 2:31 pm
Given the alternative.. voting for McCain is clearly the intelligent thing to do.
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Only if they want a true disaster with Barry Jr.
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Next question.

By the way dimwit Bush ain't running.
Deal with it!

Oh yes, inflate your tires.
2008-08-21 2:30 pm
Yes. America is that dumb.
參考: America elected dumbya twice.
2008-08-21 2:35 pm
If you elect Senator Obama, you're getting worse whether you ask for it or not.
2008-08-21 2:34 pm
I can appreciate the angst with Bush and the emotional drive that maks you associate MCCain with Bush, but it's just not true. McCain will bring a whole different look to the presidency. And I am sure, to your dismay, keep us in Iraq til theyre self supporting.
2008-08-21 2:35 pm
what was the disaster with bush? the economy was going down the drain either way and bush actually prevented the nuclear bombs which could have ended the war. dont be so shallow
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
Sadly, yes.
2008-08-21 2:41 pm
jimmy carter jr, aka obama
only a pothead would ask that question
2008-08-21 2:28 pm
dumb enough tho?
2008-08-21 2:33 pm
So instead we should vote for someone who has no morals, no backbone, can't stand up for anything, takes both sides of every issue depending on who he's talking to, has terrorist and America hating associations, no experience in U.S. government other than a partial term as a senator where he has almost every time voted "present," meaning I'm too weak to take a stance on an issue, tax more, wanting more government contol over everything we do? That's better, huh? And taxing the rich, and oil companies....are you or anyone else naive enough to believe that won't trickle down to all of us? Wow....scary.
2008-08-21 2:29 pm
i hope not! he is just the next puppet the Republicans put out there!
2008-08-21 2:43 pm
As I've said before, to many red flags for Obama

Middle Eastern name, for the U.S.A....
Dis-respects the national authum, no hand on the heart!
Michelle didn't like America, till her man stepped up to the plate?

3 strikes your out, and that happened for me before I heard any of the political non-sense he has been talking!

Yep, simple minded, gut feeling, No to Obama!

2008-08-21 2:29 pm
well, from the choices I'd say we're screwed regardless. so why not make our inevitable demise somewhat amusing.
2008-08-21 2:33 pm
2008-08-21 2:29 pm
Yes! Go Australia!
2008-08-21 2:30 pm
Really would not surprise me. I never would have thought Bush would be reelected, but he was. People here are special.
2008-08-21 2:30 pm
just as long as we don't have Alabama and all those hicks vote then no we are smart and will pick barock and if McCain is elected I'm moving out of the country cause he will bring back the draft and I'm not going to war
2008-08-21 3:03 pm
You would not be asking "How much worse could we ask for?!" if you lived through the Carter Administration as I did. I became a Conservative after that.

2008-08-21 3:00 pm
Dumb enough? Anyone with common sense will vote for McCain.
2008-08-21 2:57 pm
Of course. Then they went and voted for the one candidate who can't beat McCain! Americans must love the state of our country.
2008-08-21 2:43 pm
Dumb enough I don't think so anyone with any common sense or a mind of their own will vote McCain and the ignorant and retarted will vote for obama
參考: Step away from the kool aid it's poison
2008-08-21 3:02 pm
Its either McCain or a empty suit
2008-08-21 2:35 pm
Communist style enforcing socialistic changes not disaster in waiting? Most definitely so.
2008-08-21 2:35 pm
yes i do
2008-08-21 2:34 pm
A pack of lemmings
2008-08-21 2:36 pm
yes they are,
2008-08-21 2:34 pm
Sadly, yes. My only hope is that we won't get into too many senseless wars when he gets elected.
2008-08-21 2:59 pm
YES, if they could vote for Bush twice
2008-08-21 2:38 pm

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