請問「English is fun」呢句係唔係complete sentence???

2008-08-22 5:58 am
如果唔係的話....咁點可以改成complete sentence而又冇改到個意思o既呢?
thanks a lot~

回答 (3)

2008-08-22 10:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, it cannot
"Fun" is a feeling expressed from you, but not from "English""

You can say in this way,
Learning English is fun.

It is your feeling toward English
2008-08-22 6:40 am
I think it is.
As the answer above.
Give u other examples:
1. Sue is happy.[Subject+Verb+Adj]
2.You are thin.[Subject+Verb+Adj]
2008-08-22 6:13 am
yes. it has subject, verb and adjective.

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