
2008-08-22 4:12 am
1.The volume of the solution in the measuring cylinder is:
2. Which of the following describes a scientist correctly?
(1)Scientists answer all the questions raised by themselves.
(2)Scientists usually work in a laboratory.
(3)Scientists make observations and raise question about the things that interes them.
B.(1) and (2)only
C.(2) and (3)only
D.(1) (2) and (3)
3.Which of the following is not an appropriate behaviour in a laboratory?
(1)Doing experiments without teachers' approval.
(2)Taking laboratory apparatus without teachers' instruction .
(3)Using a bunsen burner to heat solution in a test tube.
B.(1) and (2)only
C.(1) and (3)only
D.(1),(2)and (3)
4.We should not touch an electric socket with wet hands because
A.we may get an electric shock.
B.we may make the socket dirty.
C.we may hold the socket firmly.
D.use the eye-wash bottle to clean our hands.
5.If our hands touch some chemicals,we should
A.do nothing
B.wipe it off with towel.
C.wash our hands under running water.
D.use the eye-wash bottle to clean our hands.
6.Which of the following statements is incorrect?
A.Test-tube holder can be used to hold a test-tube.
B.To heat a liquid,we can fill the beaker with the liquid to one-third full.Then,the beaker is placed on the tripod and wire gauze and heated with bunsen burner.
C.Dropper can be used to transfer a small amount of liquid to a test-tube.
D.Beaker can be used to accurately measure 10cm3 of water.
7.Which of the following is NOT an example of observation?
A. A burning candle is hot.
B. Ice floats on water.
C. Leaves are green.
D. Rice gives us energy.
8.If you are not using the Bunsen burner for a while,change the blue flame to a yellow flame because the blue flame
A. is noisy
B. is non-luminous.
C. has irregular shape
D. causes strike back

回答 (5)

2008-08-22 6:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
2)C.(2) and (3)only
3)B.(1) and (2)only
4)A.we may get an electric shock
5)C.wash our hands under running water.
6)D.Beaker can be used to accurately measure 10cm3 of water.
7)D. Rice gives us energy.
2008-08-22 8:27 pm
回答者: bbcoco ( 小學級 5 級 )
回答時間: 2008-08-21 20:35:40

kai kai地= =
2008-08-22 7:33 am
2008-08-22 5:41 am
2008-08-22 4:35 am
I don't know=..=
參考: me

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