Comprehension....英文高手plx come in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(5points)

2008-08-22 1:58 am
It's winter, and it's time for the circus people to go on a holiday! The circus works hard during the year, especially in summer, and winter is their time to relax.
"What are you going to do this winter?" Molly asks Ernest, the fire eater.
"Well, I want to go and look at volcanoes," Ernest says. "I want to go to a warm place this winter. I hate the cold."
The acrobats and contortionists are all going back to their homes. They are busy buying all sorts of souvenirs to take back home.
"What do you think of this jacket, Molly?" Susan asks Molly. "I bought it for my Granny. She complains about the cold weather all the time."
"It's a lovely colour, and it looks very warm! I think your Granny will love it!"
The horse-riders are taking their horses to a place with lots of fields where the horses can run and play. They don't mind the cold weather at all.
The lion tamer is taking his lions to his house in the jungle. He has a huge house there, with lots of room for the lions. He invited the elephant trainer to come with him, too. The elephant trainer and his elephants are all excited to go!
"What are we going to do this winter?" Molly asks Uncle Tommy and Auntie Joy. "It's David's first winter holiday with us! Let's do something fun!"
"What about the beach? You'll like it a lot, David," Uncle Tommy says.
"That's perfect!" Molly and David shout.
Answer TRUE or FALSE below

1. The circus people go on holiday when it's warm.

2. The lion tamer and the elephant trainer are going to the jungle for their holiday.

3. Molly is going to the beach.


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+


plx!!The last day is today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+,+

回答 (1)

2008-08-22 2:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The circus people go on holiday when it's warm.

B.FALSE ( Evidence : It's winter, and it's time for the circus people to go on a holiday! so it is meaning that they go on holiday in winter. )

2. The lion tamer and the elephant trainer are going to the jungle for their holiday.

A.TRUE ( Evidence : The lion tamer is taking his lions to his house in the jungle. so is meaning that they went to the jungle for their holiday . )

3. Molly is going to the beach.

A.TRUE ( Evidence : "What about the beach? You'll like it a lot, David," Uncle Tommy says. "That's perfect!" Molly and David shout. so it s meaning that they will go to the beach . )

Hope I can help you !!!
參考: Myself

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