
2008-08-21 9:55 pm

回答 (2)

2008-08-21 9:59 pm
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Our school was established in September, 1978 and subsidize for a government of grammar high school.The schoolhouse building expenses is all born by government, and is constructed by the house committee.As for open all equipment expenseses in the school, have to receive HongKong-Macau Yan Han of business, leaf, for take it first Weng Ye4 Ji4 south interest learn to teach just it loose ambition, the Kai donates huge support hk$1,000,000, jade become philanthropic act, past the Buddha is allied will be assigned name to with"Buddhism leaf, Ji, is south memorial high school", always manifest prosperous and virtuous.Afterward again receive leaf Han kind long to our school take good care of have to, the Fu donates Hong Kong dollar 200,000 at 1981 Kai and useds to provide financial assist to learn a fund, the recent years more gets many kind long endowment prize scholarship, make our school provided financial assist to learn a fund have already accumulated to 500,000 dollars, make a contribution to kind long include a kindly master, He2 De2 Xin the school Jian and leaf round a continent Sir, numerous students benefit very many.

2008-08-21 10:05 pm
This school organizes in September, 1978, is grammar of middle school a government subsidization.The school building construction expense completely by the government burden, and constructs by the house committee.As for the open school all equipment expense, must deceive Hong Kong and Macao Shang Dynasty Mr. Ye Han for to receive it Weng south Ye the discipline gentleman to encourage education to foster talent first the behest, contributes the large amount of money 1,000,000 HK dollars indignantly, please help in the successful conclusion of the philanthropic undertaking, therefore the Buddha association synapsis “commemorates the middle school by Buddhism Ye Jina” the naming, forever clear lofty moral character.

2008-08-21 14:09:23 補充:

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