A fire 作文~急急急~20分

2008-08-21 8:10 pm
用A Fire作一篇文(英文)~

回答 (3)

2008-08-24 6:51 am
THX 002
2008-08-22 2:32 am
Yesterday, Our neighbour Mrs. Smith's baby started a big fire. On
2:00 in the afternoon, Mrs. Smith was cooking porridge for her baby,
Jade. Jade was in his bedroom trying to crawl up the high drawer to
reach Mrs. Smith's wallet to play with. Jade knew where Mrs. Smith
kept her wallet because she once shoved her wallet into wallet in front
of Jade. Jade slipped over and Mrs. Smith ran to caught him. But at the
same time, the porridge started to overcook. It spilled down from the
both slides. Mrs. Smith heard what had happened and ran back to the
kitchen to turn off the gas cooker. At the same time, Jade followed in.
He spotted a carrot near the gas cooker and tried to walk to get it. Mrs.
Smith was astonished with Jade walking and she forgot the porridge.
"Oh1 Our baby Jade knows how to walk!" She said happily. Jade took
the carrot easily and Mrs. Smith went to take a camera to show Mr.
Smith. "Jady, Jady knows how to walk..." she hummed excitedly.
Jade saw the button for switching on the gas cooker at the time. He
twiched it crazily. The fire started burning and the porridge started to
spill quickly. Mrs. Smith saw this and carried Jade away the kitchen.
She turned off the gas cooker quickly but it didn't help to put out the
fire. "Oh no! Stupid baby!" she murmured when Jade stared at Mrs.
Smith. When she couldn't handle it, she called the police immediately.
Jade cried. He thought Mrs. Smith was calling to catch him away.
After that, she dashed out of the door with Jade. At the same time, we
saw them. We asked the matter and she pulled my hand. We stopped
Mrs. Smith and enquired calmly. Mrs. Smith answered, " Fire!" We
understood. Tommy, my brother ran to hit the fire alarm and everyone
ran out. Luckily, nobody was hurt. Jade never touched the gas cooker
2008-08-21 8:47 pm
fire is very colorful.....it can be red...it can be orange....it can be green...it can be bule, it can also be yellow. different kinds of colors representing the different degrees of it's hotness. fire can be seen every where.....everybody would use it.....you....me...he....she...and they.......because we all use it to cook..if there is no fire...then we might have to eat raw foods...just like the japanese. there's one kind of people who need fire so much.....they are smokers......smokers have to use fire to fire their cigarettes. Fire can be very helpful...it helps our lovely mom to cook delicious dinners for us.....but sometimes it can be very dangerous....in a year....there would be many accidents occure because of fire.....once you forgot to turn off the oven.....the fire can take over your whole family......many famlies were broken becuase of the meanness fire.....and so...i hope everybody would pay more attention on it....it's a small thing....but it can causes a big thing.

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