
2008-08-21 7:18 pm
我近日點存了制服及做了一個紀錄。此後, 如你需取用制服, 請通知我紀錄, 以控制存貨量及知道是否要補貨。

回答 (3)

2008-08-21 7:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have made a record to update the stock of uniform. From now on, please inform me if you need to get uniform. I shall update the record in order to control the stock and to refill if it is out of stock.
2008-08-22 2:35 am
I recently point of the uniform and do a record. Since then, as you need access to uniforms, please let me record, to control the inventory replenishment and know whether or not to.
參考: iciba
2008-08-21 7:33 pm
I the spot has recently saved the uniform and had made a record.
Hereafter, if you will have to use the uniform, please will inform me
to record, will control the goods in stock quantity and knew whether
will have to make up the goods.
參考: Yahoo!聰明筆

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