(8/21) 急要人中譯英 !!! 唔要翻譯機

2008-08-21 6:53 pm
1) 岩岩同老細傾過 ~~ 由於我司希望於同客人在樣辦尺寸及做工上更了解佢地正確既需要 ~~請問由新單開始可否直接同客人那邊聯絡 ??? 因為咁做可以慳返多D時間同埋避免生產上面有任何問題 !!

2) 希望妳明白由於我地個報價入面包括既嘜頭係按我地自己搵供應商既價錢黎做 ~~ 如果依家妳要求同指定既供應商訂既話 ~~ 個價錢會貴過我地自己供應商訂 !! 岩岩同老細傾過 ~~ 我地會將嘜頭多出既差價加返入去成衣價到 !!

回答 (2)

2008-08-21 7:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Having discussed with our boss - We are eager to have a more thorough understanding of the customer regarding the sample sizes and the production requirement. Should we contact the customer directly starting from the next purchase order? As such , it will not be so time-consuming and we can lessen the possibility of misunderstanding during the production process !
Please understand that our quotation has included the cost of the tags supplied by the supplier assigned by us. In case you insist to re-fix the supplier at your discretion, the cost may be higher than our quotation. In this regard, we will put the additional cost into our quotation of the finished products.
2008-08-21 6:58 pm
1. I just talked to my brother-In order to have a much better understanding of the requirements from the customers---Could we direct contact the customers for all new orders???As it can save us more time and prevent any furtehr problems from the production side.!!
2. Please be understanding that our quotation had included the logo that we sourced from the suppliers. If you would like to have a dedicated supplier at this moment, the price will be much higher than our quoted before.
I also talked to our boss and we will consider the extra cost for the logo into our new quotation to your good self soon.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 21:23:29
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