
2008-08-21 5:16 pm

回答 (3)

2008-08-22 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Munchener Weiswurst 德國慕尼黑白香腸

Nuremberg sausage 紐倫堡香腸
2008-08-28 10:57 am
Sorry I do not have the picture of it. All I know that it is milky white, not very oily and it is not the vegetarian type.

Would you please name a few delicious one that fit the description? I don't mind to try them all out.
Thanks! =)
2008-08-27 1:01 am
又無圖 ~ 都唔知你講邊隻 , 單系白色我都見過好多隻 ,
雞肉 ' 白菌 ' 素肉 ............. 好多架 ????????

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