seagate 160GB 2.5吋 SATA硬碟 無法識別

2008-08-21 8:17 am
我今天在黃金買了個SEAGATE 160GB 2.5吋 SATA硬碟﹐回家後我用W98光盤 開機﹐在DOS模式下做FDISK。但FDISK只能看到20GB的硬盤﹐那也算了我FDISK後FORMAT了﹐想試裝XP﹐結果XP安裝界面說找不到硬盤。哪位C兄有此經驗的請指導指導﹐小弟感激不盡!!!

回答 (1)

2008-08-29 10:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
Windows 98 can only format disk partition in either FAT16 or FAT32 partition format.

FAT16 has a limit up to 2GB whereas FAT32 is up to 32GB.

Both FAT16 and FAT32 formatted disk are NOT accessible by Windows ME/2000/XP/Vista.

Therefore, you should install your XP system directly using a XP installation CD to boot your system up.

You can read Microsoft support website or Technet to understand about FAT16/FAT32 details and XP installation procedures.

### others pls do not copy my reply

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