
2008-08-21 8:00 am
1. sally lives on an outlying islan in hong kong and has been rescuing dogs (for) the past years.. 點解係 for 五係 in?

2. sally selects the most suitable dogs for adoption and takes them back (to) Lamma. 點解 to 後五使加 the ?

3. those she leaves behind at the kennels are destroyed (within) four day..
本身mc題,,其他為 A.for B.until C.during 其他為何錯?

(可以的詁中文ANS) pls help me

第一句打少了一點東西: 1. sally lives on an outlying islan in hong kong and has been rescuing dogs (for) the past 19 years. 這才是原本句子,,

回答 (1)

2008-08-21 4:06 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.唔用in,因為in通常都會用o係有比較明確日期....例如 in August, in 2008,in(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time). 但係句子只係話the past years!!(use for-- during the continuance)並無明確時間,可能for a long time,所以用for比較適當!

2. 因為Lamma係地方名,所以唔需要加the,你唔會話to the Hong Kong, should be to Hong Kong(I am going to Hong Kong! or to China!)唔會 to the China! in都係一樣 made in Hong Kong or China, not made in the Hong Kong or the China!!!!

3.句子應該用within,因為係想表達四日之內就會毀滅或者殺死d狗!如果用for就好似話殺足四日!!!until係到...為止,during係在某一特定時期內,兩個都唔make sense!!

I hope this can help you and hope you understand what I am trying to say!
參考: myself

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