Shall i move to Hong Kong?

2008-08-21 2:26 am
I currently live in Melbourne, Australia, a city i just LOVE .... but the financial offer in Hong Kong could set me off nicely ... what should i do?

回答 (8)

2008-08-24 3:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Whatever Hong Kong is a nice place.
You'll love it
2008-08-21 2:33 am
If you do you should take me with you.
2008-08-22 9:22 am
2008-08-21 2:56 pm
hk is really a nice place to live. Everyone who had lived here & left, always misses hk. But prices are going up for everything here now, rent, food, transportation. Life here is so busy, non-stop work & so hectic. If the offer you are getting is really good, then i think it shouldnt be a problem. If not, then i would advise you to stay where you are, must be a really good life in melbourne, relaxed & laid-back, huh?
2008-08-21 2:34 am
you should ... life should be full of exploring anyway so its convenient, good luck
2016-11-01 4:50 pm
i think of you're quite sturdy, counting on your A-point mix of direction and how many A-point A*s to procure. you could could desire to stay with as a non-JUPAS student (seem it up on the respective admissions web content of the colleges). Literature is a much less ordinary difficulty right here because of the fact all and sundry is concentrated on company, medicine and regulation right here in Hong Kong, mutually as i be attentive to quite a few human beings reading economics. it could be proper in case you utilized to the proper 3 universities right here: HKU, CUHK, and HKUST. HKU and CUHK are traditionally nicely-extensive-unfold, yet HKUST is catching up quickly and that i heard someplace that HKUST has have been given the worldwide's #a million MBA or EMBA. yet you could no longer circulate incorrect with any of those 3 universities.
2008-08-24 6:58 pm
Everything has pros and cons, HK is no exception.
Get to know more abt the place, the culture, the people...and you can make a choice. You can always move back to OZ if you like.

I won't say it is great, I know both the pros and cons.
Don't just go for the money, consider other things as well
2008-08-21 3:00 am
Stay where you are !

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