我想問reported speech 既野, 唔該

2008-08-21 7:54 am
我想問reported speech 既野, 唔該

假如有一題問題係咁:Peter asked the doctor, 'Why should I stop smoking?' 要轉成 reported speech, 咁要轉成點???

仲有如果有一些關於reported speech既練習的話, 俾我..please.=]

回答 (2)

2008-08-30 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
問題形式的reported speech :
1. Peter asked the doctor, "Why should I stop smoking ?
Peter asked the doctor why he should stop smoking.
因 why, what, who, when, How, ....之類的字在
reported speech 中的轉變是不用加 that , if, whether

2. 以下 question 形式 reported speech 要加 if 或
whether 亦要轉 tense.
原句 Mr. Chan asked Peter, " Do you want to have
some tea ?"
轉做 Mr. Chan asked Peter whether he wanted to have
some tea.
參考: self
2008-08-23 10:55 pm
I think it is
Peter asked the doctor tat why he should stop smoking.
參考: uni student

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