”should not be using” vs ”should not use”

2008-08-21 4:47 am
"The Chinese government should not be using heavy-handed and repressive tactics to deal with peaceful protests," said Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Edward Davey.

"The Chinese government should not use heavy-handed and repressive tactics to deal with peaceful protests," said Liberal Democrat foreign affairs spokesman Edward Davey.

hi, the 1st sentence was found in a newspaper.

what is the difference between the 1st and the 2nd sentence?

回答 (1)

2008-08-21 6:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
-ing form 你會用於現在進行式,因為佢有現行、現正發生之意。should not be using 重點係講現在唔應該用。
但第二句用 should not use,用 present simple,講o既係經常、恆常不變o既情況,正如你睇人地寫規則,係俾人任何時間都遵守o既,用o既就係 present simple。如果呢度用 shoud not use,就係遣責「中國經常重手鎮壓和平示威」,同第一句叫中國政府「現在唔好做」,睇起o黎係只針對呢次,唔係暗示佢地經常如此。

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