
2008-08-21 2:02 am
In 1978, in Fort Lauderdale, the twelve years old David Freeman (Joey Cramer) goes through the grove to bring his younger brother back home. He slides, falls in a hole and faints. When he wakes up and goes home, eight years have passed and he has not aged. Meanwhile, NASA scientists find a spacecraft near to a fallen electric tower. David is brought to NASA to be studied and soon he realizes that he can communicate with the UFO. He finds out that he was sent to a distant planet in a very high speed and became the navigator of the spacecraft. In his life, he had lost 4.4 hours. On Earth, eight years have passed. This movie is a delightful entertainment, using good special effects and having a very reasonable story. It is a family entertainment, indicated for all ages. Sarah Jessica Parker, famous presently due to the show `From Sex and the City', has a minor participation as a trainee in NASA. My vote is seven.

回答 (3)

2008-08-21 3:51 am
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In 1978, in Fort Lauderdale, the twelve years old David Freeman (Joey Cramer) goes through the grove to bring his younger brother back home. He slides, falls in a hole and faints. When he wakes up and goes home, eight years have passed and he has not aged. Meanwhile, NASA scientists find a spacecraft near to a fallen electric tower. David is brought to NASA to be studied and soon he realizes that he can communicate with the UFO. He finds out that he was sent to a distant planet in a very high speed and became the navigator of the spacecraft. In his life, he had lost 4.4 hours. On Earth, eight years have passed. This movie is a delightful entertainment, using good special effects and having a very reasonable story. It is a family entertainment, indicated for all ages. Sarah Jessica Parker, famous presently due to the show `From Sex and the City', has a minor participation as a trainee in NASA. My vote is seven.

1978年,在Fort Lauderdale,十二歲大衛Freeman (Joey Cramer)審閱樹叢帶來他的弟弟後面家。 他在孔滑,跌倒并且昏倒。 當他醒并且回家時,八年通過了,并且他未變老。 同時,美國航空航天局科學家發現一臺航天器近對一個下落的電塔。 大衛給美國航空航天局被帶來被學習,并且他很快意識到他可以與飛碟溝通。 他發現他在非常高速派遣了到一個遙遠的行星并且成為了航天器的導航員。 在他的生活中,他丟失了4.4小時。 在地球,八年通過了。 使用好特技效果和有一個非常合理的故事,這部電影是令人愉快的娛樂。 它是家庭娛樂,表明為所有年齡。 薩拉・傑西卡Parker,著名目前由於展示「從性和城市』,有較小參與作為實習生在美國航空航天局。 我的表決是七。
2008-08-21 2:44 am
1978年,於 Fort Lauderdale,時年十二歲的 David Freeman(Joey Gramer 飾)走過叢林接弟弟回家。途中他滑倒了,掉進一個洞中昏了過去。當他醒來、回家時,已是八年之後,但他沒有長大。同時,太空總署的科學家在一座倒塌了的電塔旁找到一艘太空船。David 被帶到太空總署研究,不久他就發現他能跟不明非行物體溝通,也發現原來他以極高速被帶到一個遠方的星球上,成為太空船的駕駛員。在他的生命中,他失去了4.4小時;在地球上則渡過了八年。這齣電影娛樂性很豐富,有很好的特別效果和合理的情節。這是適合一家大小的電影,因《色慾都市》聲名大噪的 Sarah Jessica Parker,在本片有一個小角色,份演太空總署的訓練生。我給它七分。
2008-08-21 2:04 am
在1978年,在Fort Lauderdale,十二歲大衛Freeman (Joey Cramer)审阅樹叢帶來他的弟弟後面家。 他在孔滑,跌倒并且昏倒。 当他醒并且回家时,八年通過了,并且他未變老。 同時,美國航空航天局科學家發現一臺航天器近對一個下落的電塔。 大衛給美國航空航天局被帶來被學習,并且他很快意识到他可以與飛碟溝通。 他发现他派遣了到在非常高速的一個遙遠的行星并且成為了航天器的導航員。 在他的生活中,他丟失了4.4小時。 在地球上,八年通過了。 使用好特技效果和有一個非常合理的故事,這部電影是令人愉快的娛樂。 它是家庭娛樂,表明為所有年齡。 薩拉傑西卡Parker,著名目前由于從性的展示`和City' 有較小參與作為實習生在美國航空航天局。 我的表決是七。

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