
2008-08-21 1:26 am
1. Peter,I received your letter few days ago.
2. We must all pay attentions to our health.
3. I am writing to apply the job.
4. One of my sisters are in Australia.
5. I have cutted my finger with a knife.
6. We should obeyed all the school regulations.
7. My grandfather is fairly rich. He has plenty money.
8. Many peoples go to the beach in summer.
9. Mary is a fifteen-years-old girl.
10. I usually go to bed at half pass ten.


回答 (2)

2008-08-21 2:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Peter,I received your letter a few days ago.
2. We must all pay attentions to our health.
3. I am writing to apply a job.
4. One of my sisters is in Australia.
5. I have cutted my finger with a knife.
6. We should obeyed all the school regulations.
7. My grandfather is fairly rich. He has plenty of money.
8. Many peoples go to the beach in summer.
9. Mary is a fifteen-years-old girl.
10. I usually go to bed at half past ten.
2008-08-21 2:04 am
1. Peter,I received your letter few days ago.(few唔係咁用既,你想講幾日前收到人地既信,應該咁講)
答:Peter,I received your letter a few days.
2. We must all pay attentions to our health.(呢句說話,我知你係想講,我地必須注意我地既健康,但係你個health唔係v(動詞),應該用n(名詞)先岩,因為你之前our果個字係解釋我們的,so後面應該用n,而唔係用v,同埋用to都唔岩la,呢句係為自己,而唔係傾向自己)
答:We must pay attention for our healthy.
3. I am writing to apply the job.
答:I am writting to apply the job.
4. One of my sisters are in Australia.
答:One of my sisters is in Australia.
5. I have cutted my finger with a knife.(cut 既過去式同過去完成式都係cut)
答:I cut my finger with a knife.
6. We should obeyed all the school regulations.
答:We must obey all the school regulations.
7. My grandfather is fairly rich. He has plenty money.
答:My grandfather is quite rich.He has a lot of money.
8. Many peoples go to the beach in summer.(people 係person既眾數)
答:Many people go to the beach in summer.
9. Mary is a fifteen-years-old girl.(如果你想講佢係一個15歲既女仔,個year就唔洗加s,因為用左-姐係代表係形容佢係15歲)
答:Mary is a fifteen-year-old girl.
10. I usually go to bed at half pass ten.
答:I usually go to sleep at half past ten.
參考: 雖然我英文唔可以話好好,不過我相信你呢幾條英文唔會難到我

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