
2008-08-21 12:29 am

同埋grand global publication本app.書深唔深?

(CE maths: B , a.maths: D , phy: C)


回答 (1)

2008-08-21 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
I won't suggest you to go for AL applied math.

According to your scores, yr additional math is far below from satisfactory. AL appliedmath do require strong sense in both math and physics (for mechanic part). If your mathematical ability is not compatible enough, just stay at AS level.

I have to remind you that ASL appliedmath is not easy as what u see, since many calculations and concepts are developed based on yr additional math knowledge. I suggest you to revise yr CE add. math before the end of summer holiday, or you will not be able to catch up the concepts once the school day commences.

The grand-grobal series is ok for students having very limit background. It introduce a lot of concepts and conatin many example, the level of exercise in general is ok (note that the book contains lots of past papers without quoting the year..)

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