小小小小人不識英文5 急!!!!急!!!急!!!1急!!!!急!!!!!!

2008-08-20 10:40 pm
Janet has just received an e-mail from her friend, Peggy. However, Peggy made some mistakes with the gerunds. Underline each mistake and write the correct word above it. Follow the example.
Dear Janet,

Hi! I have been in America for two weeks already on this educational exchange programme.
I really enjoy study here. It is very different from Hong Kong.

Here, none ofthe students were wearing school uniforms the day I arrived.

I thought it was a special day forraised funds, but I was wrong.

Nobody wears a uniform at this school.

Now I enjoy wear casual clothes to school.

My host family is very kind, and everyone helps me a lot. My English is

improving now because all the children love asks me questions. They told me

that they had not been to Hong Kong before. I hope I can teach them more

about Chinese culture. Also, I have started learned a lot about American culture while I’m here.

Eaten is a major event here. Everyone eats so much! I love the food, but my

mum will start worry if she finds out what my diet is like now.

I eat a lot of junk food, but I do eat healthy food too.

For breakfast every morning, my host mum bakes fresh bread and makes

fresh fruit juice, so breakfast always tastes wonderful!

I’d better go now. It’s dinner time! Send me an e-mail soon.


回答 (2)

2008-08-21 1:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
I really enjoy study (studying) here. It is very different from Hong Kong. Here, none ofthe students were wearing school uniforms the day I arrived. I thought it was a special day for raised (raising) funds, but I was wrong. Nobody wears a uniform at this school. Now I enjoy wear (wearing) casual clothes to school. My host family is very kind, and everyone helps me a lot. My English is improving now because all the children love asks (asking) me questions. They told me that they had not been to Hong Kong before. I hope I can teach them more about Chinese culture. Also, I have started learned (learning) a lot about American culture while I’m here. Eaten (Eating) is a major event here. Everyone eats so much! I love the food, but my mum will start worry (worrying) if she finds out what my diet is like now.
I eat a lot of junk food, but I do eat healthy food too. For breakfast every morning, my host mum bakes fresh bread and makes
fresh fruit juice, so breakfast always tastes wonderful!
I’d better go now. It’s dinner time! Send me an e-mail soon.


2008-08-20 17:35:04 補充:
功課做錯點都好過抄, 做錯咗都係有諗過點做, 仲有得救! 抄就完全冇印像! 到你要出社會工作, 除非做一啲唔駛識英文嘅工作, 唔通見工時同人講: "小小小小人不識英文"咩?


2008-08-20 18:05:48 補充:

1. 逢兩個verb 走埋一齊 ( e.g. enjoy study), 第二個verb 要轉做 gerund (即 + ing) ,
enjoy studying 才正確。
2. for/by/from/in 後面嘅 verb, 多數係要 + ing (e.g. for raising fund), for raise fund 係錯。

2008-08-20 18:06:03 補充:
3. do eat 呢句例外, 一個verb前若然加個"do"字可作強調語氣用 (e.g. I do finish the homework by myself, 我 "真係" 自己完成功課) 若然係 past tense - 會變作 I did finish the homework by myself yesterday)


2008-08-20 18:06:19 補充:
I eat a lot of junk food, but I do eat healthy food too (呢個句式係平衡, 後面果句本來係
I eat healthy food too, 加咗個 do 字作強調佢同樣有食健康食物) , 所以唔係 do eating

2008-08-20 18:12:47 補充:
Eaten is a major event here (用 eating, 是一個 noun )
2008-08-20 11:07 pm
I really enjoy study here. >>studying
I thought it was a special day for raised funds>>raising
Now I enjoy wear casual clothes to school.>>wearing
because all the children love asks me questions>>asking
I have started learned a lot about American >learning
Eaten is a major event here>eating
mum will start worry >worrying

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