Freedom of Information during the Olympics 2008????

2008-08-20 8:37 pm
Is that suppose to be a joke?

Watch the second half of this :

回答 (1)

2008-08-20 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
oh no, not a's a lie.

The video clip mentioned NTDTV. In case you don’t know, NTDTV (New Tang Dynasty TV) is an independent, nonprofit Chinese language TV broadcaster that also features programming in the English language. Apart from the fact that it has a lot of programs about traditional Chinese culture, one special thing about NTDTV is that it reports a lot about the human rights abuses in mainland China , and that’s why the Chinese government hates it.

On August 1st, in a press conference of the Fukien American Association in New York , an NTDTV reporter was attacked and had her camera stolen by an organizer of the Association ( ).

Eutelsat, a European satellite company, took NTDTV off its W5 satellite in hope to get business with China (coz all the media in mainland China are controlled by the Communist Party) ( ).

What’s more, speedskater and Olympic Gold Medalist Joey Cheek had his visa to Beijing denied because he is the co-founder of Team Darfur, an organization that helps raise awareness of the genocide in Darfur , which is supported by the Chinese government ( ).

And there are lots more…not that it’s too surprising…I mean, the Chinese Communist Party has always been lying…during the Great Leap Forward they lied abt how much crops they produced while the ppl starve to death…after the Tiananmen Massacre they said no one died…then they faked the whole Falun Gong practitioners’ self-immolation incident in 2001 ( )…so, I don’t think there’s any reason to believe them anymore…not while the promise of not changing Hong Kong in 50 years is broken by article 23, and many more…

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 18:04:28
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